Hi, I'm

William Pasquier

Software Developer

More about me

Welcome and thank you for visiting my website. Let's talk a little more about me. My name is William Pasquier, I'm and I live in Switzerland. I'm currently an IT apprentice specializing in development at an insurance company called Vaudoise Assurance. This August, I'm starting the final year of my 4-year apprenticeship.

During my apprenticeship, I was able to see different facets of the business, such as what a computer is and what it's made of. The basics of servers and DNS and how they work. Also different Back-end technologies such as basic Java and C#, which I coupled with Frameworks (ASP.NET, Entity Framework Core). For the Front-end, I was able to learn and use frameworks such as React and Angular in different projects and exercises, and perfect my use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript / TypeScript. I was also tested on database design and modeling (MCD, MLD, MPD). (You can see more on Experience Section).

All the aspects I've listed above are put into practice in my company. Every year I have the opportunity to change teams and projects in order to discover multiple aspects of the job as well as collaborate with real colleagues and follow sessions such as Dailies, Refinements or planning.

Companies I worked for

My skills

Projects i'm proud of

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